Daniel Morres

Daniel Hassani Morres, Daniel, was born on January 15th 1996 in Heidelberg, Germany. Prior to the University intake on October in Germany in order to further his bachelor studies in Mechanical Engineering , currently he is modelling around South East Asia as he eagerly to know about the countries and different cultures. Besides that, the other reason why he loves to do modelling is because he will have an opportunity to build new contacts. So far, he is happy with his achievements, yet unsatisfied as each day he wants to prove to himself to be a better person. One of the achievements in his modelling area is he was on cover of Glam Lelaki Magazine in Malaysia. His future plan was once he started his studies, he will continue on becoming an athlete as he is an artistic gymnastics in Germany. To get to know him better you can follow him on Instagram @Danielmos_ 

Article & Photo Sources : Daniel Morres

Article by Yusfariq