Sherzod Yusuf

Sherzod Yusuf MiruvaydovichSherzod, was born on October 13th 1993 at Samarkand City, Uzbekistan. A couple years ago, this charming guy travelled to Malaysia to further his studies in Business at Westminster International College. After a year in Malaysia, he becomes famous on Instagram and known as a model as he has been featured and walked for most of the local designer labels here in Malaysia. 

As he loves fashion, now he started to build his own line called Zod. The collection is very fun, cool and pretty much represents who he really are. He hopes that Zod will be accepted and becoming one of the most successful local label in Malaysia. As you can see on the photos attached, It is one of the designs of the first collection that he will launch soon. For more info surf on the Instagram @Zod_Official or his personal IG @Sherzod_Yusuf_ 


Article by @Yusfariq